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[MCQL](1, 2) Torsten Grust. “Monads Comprehensions: A Versatile Representation for Queries”. University of Konstanz, Department of Computer and Information Science, 78457 Konstanz, Germany.
[Peyton1987]Peyton, Simon. “The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages”. Prentince-Hall, 1987. Available at:
[Burstall1977]Bustall, R and Darlington, John. “A Transformation System for Developing Recursive Programs”. Journal of the Assooat~on for Computing Machinery, Vol 24, No 1, January 1977, pp. 44-67. Available at:
[QLFunc]Torsten Grust and Marc H. Scholl. “How to comprehend queries functionally”. University of Konstanz, Department of Computer and Information Science, 78457 Konstanz, Germany.
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[Hutton1999]Hutton, Graham. “A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold”. University of Nottingham, UK.


foldr notation


Notational differences for the same concept: whereas in [QLFunc] we see \({\bf foldr}^\tau (\oplus)\, z\, []^\tau\) in [MCQL] we see \((|\, z; \oplus\, |)\)

We choose a notation that’s easy to read in python code comments and inlined documentation. In this documents (specially the parts extracted from source code) you’ll see foldr z + and (z; +) instead.

[2]Why does [MCQL] says \({\small ([], \uparrow)}\) is a monoid if \({\small \uparrow :: a \times [a] \rightarrow [a]}\) and \({\small x \uparrow [] = [x] \neq x}\)?