
The main goal of xotl.ql is to provide tools that allow writing queries in a pythonic way. In this regard, xotl.ql has a similar outlook that LINQ queries have in C#.

A query expression takes the form of a Python generator expression:

>>> from xotl.ql import this
>>> parents = (parent for parent in this if len(parent.children) > 2)

The previous query is readable as it stands: get all the parents that have more than 2 children.

More complex queries are allowed, for instance:

>>> parents = (parent
...            for parent in this
...            if parent.children
...            if all(child.age > 10 for child in parent.children))

This would retrieve every “parent” whose children are all more than 10 years old (assuming age is measured in years).

Notice, however, that those interpretations of the queries match only our intuitions about them, and xotl.ql does not enforce any particular meaning to the query. xotl.ql is all about writing queries having this particular syntactical look.

The role of the query language and query translators

In the previous introduction, we have shown how the syntax of the query language looks, and we have indicated the intended meaning of the constructions. However, xotl.ql does not enforce any particular interpretation on the queries since the whole meaning of queries depends on the semantics of the object model in place. For instance, given a data model that honors transitive relations such as “is (physically) located in” between places; if you have that “B is located in A” and that “C is located in B”, then querying for every place that is located in A, should return both B and C.

One might encode such a query in a program like the following:

>>> locations = (place for place in this if place in A)

It’s expected that such a query will look up in the all the containment tree derived form the located-in relation, to fetch all places which are inside A either directly or indirectly.

In this model, the use of in A would imply a recursive computation; and such knowledge comes only from the object/store model and not the query language by itself. Other models (for instance the relational model) might not find more than directly related objects.

That’s why in order to execute queries one must use a query translator with enough knowledge of the object model and of the system configuration (specially how to communicate with the storage system).

xotl.ql won’t provide production quality translators. Instead, other packages will be released that implement translators and assist their configuration into other frameworks. Nevertheless the module xotl.ql.translation.py does contains an implementation of a translator that fetches objects from the Python’s memory. And we also provide utilities for translation in xotl.ql.translation.

Retrieving objects

Assuming you have a translator, like py, you may simply pass a query to it to obtain a query execution plan:

>>> from xotl.ql.translation import py
>>> query = py(parent for parent in this)

Query execution plans are iterable:

>>> for which in query:          
...    print(which)

A plan is required to be reusable, so that you may run the same query more than once and avoiding the translation phase. This does not means that you will always get the same results from the reused execution plan, since the underlying data source might have changed.

See the document about translators for more information.

Query expressions v. query objects

So far we have seen how queries are expressed in our code. A query as the python expression we see in our code (or as the generator object it implies) is more precisely referred as a query expression.

On the other hand, translators need a data structure that describes the query. Since we can’t actually provide translators with the query expression (what we see is a Python generator object), we need another object that precisely capture the query. This is the query object. In many cases, the distinction between those terms is not important but for internal documents is very important. Translators will mostly deal with query objects. Getting a query object from a query expression is what xotl.ql is supposed to do well.

The function xotl.ql.core.get_query_object() takes a query expression (i.e a generator object) and return a query object.